SmartWeighBridge- Weighbridge automation system identifies the truck on the weighbridge without any manual interference using RFID and OCR technology.
Smartweighbridge makes Cargo weightment & material movement tracking completely man less by automatically recognizing the vehicle number through OCR camera and order details through RFID on the windshield. It also uses sensors and traffic lights to guide the driver about the correct position of vehicles and weighment status.
Web-based application to link the trucks to order.
Fully automated systemn.
Option to capture the driver and material photos.
Real-time data sharing with ERP.
Integrated access control system to validate permits and capture TAT.
Completely paperless system.
Reduction in operations cost.
Control over the malpractices.
Quick and accurate weighment within seconds.
Reduced traffic at weighbridge.
Full process control of container movement within the facility.